

create opportunity through learnerships

BEE Sure can assist you by administering learnerships through a professionally-accredited training provider which satisfies the requirements of the new Skills Development legislation in South Africa.

Learnerships are starting to gain popularity as an effective way for companies to reduce the cost of training their employees. The Skills Development legislation has been introduced in South Africa, and is designed for learnership professionals to have a legal framework through which organisations can train employees.

Learnerships are a great way to bridge the skills gap in your organization. .

Our Leanerships & Skills Programmes are fully accredited

We offer learnerships to assist companies who need a qualified employee, but cannot afford the cost of training. They are often applicable for entry level positions where no experience is required, or for individuals who need to be retrained in a new discipline that is not related to their initial qualifications.



Full Qualifications

• Fully Accredited SETA Qualifications: These Learnerships are aligned to the National Qualifications Framework, maximising clients’ funding opportunities through Section 12 H (a) of the Income Tax Act as well as Mandatory and Pivotal Grant reimbursement.
• Accredited SETA Skills Programmes: These registered Skills Programmes are Unit Standard aligned and formally assessed, enabling learners
to gain recognition towards Full Qualifications.

We can also assist in recruiting and matching suitable candidates to your business and placing them at Host Employers to develop their practical skills.

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1211 Lawson Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria, 0186

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